
Trying to up your sensory evaluation skills for the Certified Pommelier™ exam? This sensory evaluation webinar is bound to help! The webinar features 2 ciders from Haykin Family Cider and focuses on building your palate like a pro! The two ciders are Dolgo Crabapple and Yarlington Mill.
Upon purchase of the bundle, you will receive an email with links to the webinar, blank and pre-filled structured sensory analysis forms and for the purchase of cider.
*Note: Ciders must be bought separately from the webinar. They can be purchased from Haykin Family Cider. Please note that the specific ciders and/or year of canning might no longer be available. Same branded ciders from different canning years might have distinguishable differences in key sensory elements.
If you have questions about this webinar, the Certified Pommelier™ program or cider education please email our Cider Education Manager Jennie Dorsey at